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War Diary, 2/18th London Regiment – May 1917

1st May – K Sector.
Strength of Bttn 1/5/17: 36 Officers, 886 ORs; trench strength 29 Officers 63 ORs.
Bttn in trenches.
1 OR to UK (commission).

2nd May – K Sector.
In trenches.

3rd May – K Sector.
2 ORs returned from leave to UK.
1 OR transferred to TM Battery (180 Infantry Battery).

4th May – K Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol of 3 Officers and 50 ORs sent out. Nothing to report. Enemy quiet.
Patrols reconnoitred Crete des Tentes on ground south and south east of Nose.
1 OR evacuated sick 28 CCS.

5th May – K Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol of 3 Officers and 50 ORs sent to reconnoitre ground south and south east of Nose and engage if met. Nothing to report.

6th May- K Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol of 3 Officers and 50 ORs sent to reconnoitre ground west of Nose, thence east and north east in direction of Boyau Hill. Nothing to report.

7th May – K Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol of 3 Officers and 50 ORs sent to pt 1162/1774, thence along track towards enemy wire. Nothing to report.
10 ORs evacuated sick to 28 CCS.

8th May – K Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol of 3 Officers and 50 ORs sent to pt 1151/1776 and to inspect wire. Thence to point 115450/177850.
Patrol was fired on at about 100 yards from enemy wire but direction of shots uncertain. No casualties.
At 2030 hours, enemy heavily shelled Piton Des Guetiers and Piton Brun apparently without object. 1 OR killed.

9th May – K Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol of 3 Officers and 50 ORs sent to pt 1163/178050. Thence to point 1157/1783.
Nothing to report.

10th May – K Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol of 3 Officers and 50 ORs sent to pt 1150/1775 and pt 115250/1778. Nothing to Report.

11th May – K Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol of 3 Officers and 50 ORs sent to pt 114550/177770. Nothing to Report.

12th May – K Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol of 3 Officers and 50 ORs sent to pt 1154/177850 and pt 115250/1778.
Enemy working and covering party discovered at this point and an advanced party of 1 Officer and 8 ORs fired 72 rounds rapidly, inflicting casualties. OC Patrol Lt Collinette wounded in left arm by retaliatory fire.

13th May – K Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol of 3 Officers and 50 ORs sent to pt 1148/1775. Nothing to Report.

14th May – K Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol of 3 Officers and 50 ORs sent to pt 1164/1781. Hence north-west to pt 1155/178250.
Nothing to Report.
10 ORs evacuated sick to 28 CCS.

15th May – K Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol of 3 Officers and 50 ORs sent to pt 115150/177550. Hence north-east to pt 1154/177850. Nothing to report.
2 Officer evacuated sick (Cpt PS Frisby and 2/Lt MG Wilson) and struck off strength.

16th May – K Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol of 3 Officers and 50 ORs sent out at night to pt 1164/1781. Hence north-west to pt 1155/178250. Nothing to report.
31 ORs evacuated sick to CCS.

17th May – K Sector.
Bttn relieved in K Sector by 8th Royal Scottish Fusiliers (77 Infantry Brigade, 26 Division). Relief completed at 0300 hours on night 17/18 May without incident. Bttn moved into XII Corps Reserve at Mihalova, arriving complete at 0830 hours on 18/5/17.

18th May – Mihalova.
Bttn rested and engaged in interior economy.
1 OR evacuated sick to 28 CCS.

19th May – Mihalova.
Bttn engaged in interior economy and bathing.

20th May – Mihalova.
Bttn engaged in training on the lines laid down in 5.8.135, Instructions for the training of Divisions for Offensive Action and also in training additional reserve specialists.

21st May – Mihalova.
5 ORs to UK for Officer Cadet Unit.

22nd /23rd May – Mihalova.

24th May – Mihalova.
1 OR evacuated sick to 28 CCS.

25th May – Mihalova.
Continuing training.

26th May – Mihalova.
Capt Cross 2/19th Bttn attached for duty as Company Commander.

27th May – Mihalova.
2/Lt AA Oliver returned to Bttn from 179 SASAC.
4 ORs evacuated sick.

28th May – Mihalova.
25 ORs (Draft) joined unit.

29th May – Les Pevoines.
Bttn moved into Brigade Reserve at Les Pevoines.

30th May – Les Pevoines.
Engaged in interior economy.

31st May – Hadzi-Junas.
Bttn moved under sudden orders to Hadzi-Junas. All surplus equipment and stores sent to Dados, leading to shortage of transport.
Bttn arrived Hadzi-Junas at 0230 hours on night

31st May/1st June.
Casualties Nil.