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War Diary, 2/18th London Regiment – March 1917

1st March – Mihalova.
Bttn in bivouac. Very heavy blizzard lasting 36 hours.
Bttn ordered to be prepared to move at …hours notice.

2nd to 7th March – Mihalova.
Bttn in bivouac.

3rd – 1 mule died from exposure. 1 mule lost.

5th – 1 Officer and 1 OR evacuated sick to CC Station.

6th – 27 OR draft arrived from Base Depot.

7th – 1 Officer evacuated sick to Malta (2/Lt..). 2 ORs evacuated sick to CC Station. 6 ORs Struck off Strength (to UK to join Officer Cadet School).

8th March – I Sector.
Bttn relieved 12th Cheshire Regiment (66th Infantry Brigade) on the night 8/9 March in I Sector including Waggon Hill. Relief started 2000 hours and completed 2100 hours. Situation normal during relief. Casualties – Nil.
A and B Companies held front line with C and D in support.

9th March – I Sector.
Bttn in trenches. Two Reconnoitring Patrols were sent out on night 9/10 March. Nothing seen of enemy. Casualties – Nil.

10th March – I Sector, north of Kalinova.
Bttn in trenches.
Reconnoitring patrol sent out on night 10/11 March – Casualties Nil.

11th March – I Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol sent out on 11/12 March – Casualties Nil.
2 OR evacuated sick to 31 CCs.

12th March – I Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol sent out on night 12/13 March – Casualties Nil.
Nothing to report.

13th March – I Sector.
Bttn in trenches.
Reconnoitring patrol sent on night 13/14 March – Casualties 1 OR died (heart failure). Nothing to report.
6 ORs evacuated sick to 28 CCS.

14th March – I Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol sent out on night 14/15 March – Nothing to report.

15th March – I Sector.
Reconnoitring patrol sent out on night 15/16 March – Nothing to report.
7 ORs evacuated sick to 28 CCS.

16th March – I Sector.
Bttn in trenches.
1 day patrol of 1 officer and 3 OR sent out.
Night patrol sent out.

17th March – I Sector.
Bttn in trenches.
Two patrols sent out on night 17/18 March.
1 OR evacuated wounded to 28 CCS.
32 ORs evacuated sick to 22 CCS.
1 officer (Captain Lane) evacuated sick to 28 CCS.

18th March – I Sector.
Two patrols sent out on night 18/19 March.
10 ORs joined unit from Base.
25 ORs evacuated sick to 28 CCS.
Enemy aircraft bombed Transport lines. 1 killed, 3 wounded and 13 rifles and 2 tents full of equipment destroyed. 1 horse and 1 mule killed, 4 mules wounded.

19th March – I Sector.
On the night 19/20 March, the Bttn was relieved by the 2/15th Bttn London Regiment.
Relief started at 2100 hours and completed at 2400 hours. Casualties nil.
Bttn spent rest of night under tents near Causssica station.

20th March – Caussica.
Bttn engaged in working and fatigue parties and Brigade guards.

21st March – Caussica.
On the night 21/22 March, Bttn moved into camp at the Pyramid and acted as Divisional Reserve.

22nd March –Pyramid.
Bttn in Divisional Reserve.

23rd March – Pyramid.
5 ORs evacuated sick to 28 CCS.

24th March – Pyramid.
1 OR evacuated sick to 28 CCS

25th/26th March – Pyramid.
In Divisional Reserve.

27th March – Pyramid.
1 OR evacuated sick to 28 CCS.

28th March –Pyramid.
1 officer (Capt Lane) re-joined unit on discharge from 28 General Hospital.

29th to 31st March – Pyramid.
In Divisional Reserve.
Strength of Battalion (in country) – Officers: 38, ORs: 1045.
Infantry Strength of Battalion (with unit) – Officers: 35, ORs: 820.